Our team utilizes customized portfolio management strategies, tax-efficiency and provides access to the extensive resources at Wells Fargo Advisors to build and manage diversified investment portfolios.

Private Investment Management (PIM)

Gail is a PIM Portfolio Manager and uses a consultative process to help individuals and families build a strategy to manage and preserve wealth. The PIM program is a customized portfolio management program geared toward each client’s specific investment goals. The Private Investment Management (PIM) program is not designed for excessively traded or inactive accounts, and may not be suitable for all investors. Please carefully review the Wells Fargo Advisors advisory disclosure document for a full description of our services. The minimum account size for this program is $50,000.

Socially Responsible Investing

Investing is more than a financial decision. Investments can also reflect client values, visions and their legacy for future generations. To help build client values into our investment portfolios, our team customizes portfolios to integrate environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) considerations.


Because asset allocation is a main driver of a portfolio’s return, our team aims to balance risk and reward by aligning the portfolio to meet investment goals, risk tolerance and investment time horizon.

Due Diligence

The approach to investment selection is to identify and use lower-cost investments such as Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), index funds and separately managed accounts to help reduce investment expenses and meet financial goals. The team seeks long-term, consistent results, is analytical and conducts in-depth research to select the most suitable investments to help meet each client’s needs.

Tax-Efficient Strategies

The long-term impact of taxes on investment returns can take a bite out of savings. Tax-efficient strategies help clients continue to grow savings for retirement while managing the impact of taxes.